4 min read

Does Your Label Supplier Have A Disaster Recovery Plan In Place?

Nov 1, 2012 11:12:00 AM

 The fallout from Hurricane Sandy has not been fully evaluated yet, but early estimates are showing damages in the tens of Billions of dollars. These adverse weather events seem to be occuring more often and the damages they leave behind also seem to be greater than ever. 

This is why it is important, now more than ever, for businesses to plan and implement Disaster Recovery/ Business Continuity plan to anticipate and react accordingly in such time. 

OMNI Systems, Inc., the premier manufacturer of thermal labels in North America, has a robust Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity plan in place just for emergencies like these and we've had over two decades to refine our plan and processes to ensure that our clients' businesses are not adversely affected in case of such contingencies.

The plan outlines in detail the set of consistent actions to be taken before, during and after a disaster. This plan documents everything from the chain of command to contact details of every employee and key suppliers/vendors and is tested to ensure the continuity of operations and availability of critical resources in the event of a disaster.

Furthermore, Omni Systems' Manufacturing, Distribution, and Computer Communication systems are fully redundant and in case of a power outage are backed up with natural gas and diesel generators. 

We've taken steps to ensure that our clients' businesses keep running even when there are exigent circumstances. Have you asked your label supplier about their Disaster Recovery Plan lately?

Topics: News & Events

Nimitt Adhvaryu
Written by Nimitt Adhvaryu

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