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Top US Retailer Awards A Long-Term, Multi-million Dollar Renewal Contract to OMNI Systems.

Jun 1, 2014 8:00:00 AM

OMNI Systems, Inc., the leading manufacturer of thermal labels, announced today that it was awarded a long-term renewal contract worth multi-million dollars to supply all the thermal labeling requirements by one of the Top US Retailer.

The Client is a Fortune 100 company with over $40 Billion in Revenues and more than a 1400 facilities across the US. Under the terms of the agreement, the Client will continue to draw on OMNI's significant expertise in the Direct Thermal labels market for weigh scale labels application to ensure smooth operations at each of its retail stores.

Adam DeFrancesco, Founder, CEO & President of OMNI Systems said, “OMNI Systems believes in building long-term relationships with all of its partners and this renewal is a testament to that. Instead of focusing on just the next order, we are focused on creating a win-win, mutually benefical partnership for the long-term future. By supplying the HIGHEST QUALITY at the lowest prices, we're helping our clients get better control over this mission critical commodity."

OMNI Systems services some of the world's Top US Retailers and this contract will further strengthen its position as the market leader for Thermal labels. 

Contact OMNI today to see how they can help improve your operations while significantly lowering your label spend.

OMNI Systems
Written by OMNI Systems

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